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Dolan's Cadillac, Talisman 1 Sets, Rolling Stone |
In This Issue: |
April 17th, 2010 |
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Dolan's DVD, Talisman Set, King in Roll. Stone, Titan of Terror! |
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Talisman 1 Complete Set - Includes Shipping! |
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Stephen King in Rolling Stone Set - SPECIAL OFFER! |
Yo Everybody!
Somebody said to me recently, "Dave, you always have so much to offer.. how do you come up with all these items, all the time?" That's easy. When you're working with an author that stays so busy, there is ALWAYS something going on... Years ago I thought it would slow down... and ya know what? It never has. Stephen King is even more popular now than he's ever been. From original novels, collections, movies, and then taking the comic world by storm, not to mention his recent involvement with Shooter Jennings CD, his EW Columns, his upcoming project with John Mellencamp, and it doesn't stop there. So, yes, I do have a lot of items to offer on Stephen King. At the moment there are almost 1,000 items listed at our site either by, on, or involving Stephen King (you can click the link below if you want to begin the many pages of listings.. we hope you do :-)
NOW REDUCED EVEN MORE! STEPHEN KING in ROLLING STONE SET - This set is one of the most exciting we've offered and it features EVERY PIECE by Stephen King, about him, his books, his movies, and of course there's decades of every Roll. Stone issue. Very cool. See below..
TALISMAN SETS are now complete and shipping. As mentioned before, slipcases will come later (and I'll pay the shipping on those). After all pre-sales, we are down to a handful of sets. The first four issues are now out of print at the publisher (the smallest print run I've ever seen on King comics) so order soon before those are gone.
DOLAN's CADILLAC is now on DVD! Free art card with our copies featuring the Swedish cover art of very cool artwork - you can see this at the website. Read more below...
KING: TITAN OF TERROR - Found a box of these that we had listed as a different issue! I'm going to unload the bulk of these at a great rate.. but it will go back up. So order now to take us up on this.
Take care out there and remember We All Shine On!
Dave Hinchberger
Overlook Connection
Every Issue! Every Page! 40 Years of Rolling Stone in One Set!
What's amazing about this collection of "EVERY ROLLING STONE PUBLISHED" - 98,000 pages!! From the first issue in 1967 to May of 2007 is that you can find ANYTHING in the search engine! I mean it. For example, I've gone through and listed a lot, but not all, of the Stephen King appearances that the search engine pulled up. Now, I've tried to keep up and collect some of these for years, You just can't find them all. But here it is! In glorious color, exactly reproduced as the magazines were published.
I've been thoroughly thrilled with this set. Being a fan of fiction, music, and movies, and of course Stephen King's original appearances - most never appearing anywhere else - this has been quite a find for me. And it fits neatly on my bookshelf.
These were $125 bucks. YOUR PRICE IS $47.79 plus shipping!
The Stephen King issues with fiction sell for $15-20 EACH! - if you can find them! This is a real steal.
= The Revelations of 'Becka Paulson - Original version. Later revised for "The Tommyknockers" Features full-page original painting by Brad Holland.
= The Horrors of '79 by Stephen King - 3 page article with original illustrations. Also features Best of 1979 lists by King.
== $47.79 plus shipping
(normally $125.00)
= FOREIGN SHIPPING - Please inquire about delivery rates for any items here and we will send you a PayPal invoice.
= Our order form accepts credit cards securely thru PayPal. You can also mail in your check or money order as noted on the site. Any questions, please let us know.
TRACKING YOUR ORDERS: Only orders placed at the Overlook "web store" can be tracked. In our e-mail flyers you can place orders quickly by clicking the paypal link, but these orders are placed offline in our master system. We place all orders in our master system, which is offline.
TO TRACK orders and / or reserve books please place your order online. If you wish to reserve a title put "Please Reserve For Me" in the memo field when checking out and do not complete payment. We'll notify you when funds are due. I hope this helps. Any questions, please let us know.
Thank you and "We All Shine On!"
PO BOX 1934
Hiram GA 30141
PHONE: 678-567-9777 |
This article was published on Saturday 17 April, 2010. |
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