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Song of Silver SIGNED
Song of Silver.
by Laura J. Underwood.
Signed Edition.
Art by Matt Taggart.
With Silver Eyes and Silver Voice, He Weaves the Power of Magic Into Song...
He is Anwyn Baldomyre, the Harper Mage, and hes back again, traveling the length and breadth of Lamboria in search of songs. Guided -- and more often badgered -- at times by the wisdom of his harp Glynnanis whose living wood houses the soul of the last unicorn, Anwyn meets wyrefolk, wraiths, kelpies, fey folk and many who do not trust magic at all. And while he does not alwys seek adventure, it has a way of crossing his path and forcing him to reckon with himself.
Gathered together here is a collection of stories both old and new. In these eight tales, follow Anwyn as he solves the riddle of silver, settles a dispute among magical beings, aids a warrior woman against a wicked mage, and seeks to awaken a singing tree from a false winter sleep. For wherever Anwyn wanders, magic and music -- and even a little mayhem -- are sure to follow.
First Trade Paperback, Dark Regions Press.
Now Featuring
Matheson, Richard
Fangoria 89
Hunted Past Reason
Twilight Zone Scripts 1
20 of 25 in
Dark Regions Press
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