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NY: Penguin, 2001. First Edition. 5 1/2 x 9. Hard Cover. Fine / Fine. ISBN: 0670889202. YOU MUsT first understand the CaSTE SYSTeM, as its extremely rigid. Movement from one level to another is RaRE and DifFIuLt. . . There is some sideways movement, naturally. FreDS may become Tremblers and TReMBLERS may become Freds, although they surely wouldnt want to. The Freds are usually but not always men, and most of them are unaware that they have even entered the game. These are the most common victims of the hunt. The MARINErS pull them down like sheep. The Mariners, mind you, HuNT everyone. The EXquiSitORS, too, may take an unaware Fred if they are desperate. They tend to prefer the mutual KiLL, though. The shared tongue. The REDeeMERS and Tremblers do not hunt, exactly. They practice various forms of SEDucTIoN. They also prey on the Freds and on each other. And the self-aware Freds often hunt each other in small PaCKS. Have I left anyone out? The BReaTHerS, of course. They do not hunt and claim they dont need to. And the GLOveS. They are the MASTERS of the game... 228 Pages.