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FREE BOOK! With Each Book Purchased!  |
In This Issue: |
August 4th, 2012 |
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FREE BOOKS! Free AUTHOR SIGNATURES! Massie! Golden! Castle! With New Collections! |
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FREE Signature With SHADOW SHOW - Bradbury Celebration! |
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FREE BOOK & SIGNATURE with EXTREME ZOMBIES! Lee! Keene! Schow! Massie! |
I think e-books are a great and wonderful new idea to come out in the past few years. Besides saving trees it continues to spread the word at a reasonable price. Although it does take energy to still create an e-book, There's the electricity that is used from the birth of the project to it landing into your e-book reader. It doesn't cost as much as producing a physical book, and it can reach a wide audience. My wife loves here e-reader. She reads constantly, but mostly it's for entertainment and forgettable books. However the books and authors that she truly enjoys she does collect. Me? I still read the physical books. When author's send me stories, novels, I usually request they still send me a physical manuscript. It's a process I enjoy. It doesn't matter how you read them, I'm just glad people are reading.
This brings me to book collecting and the pros that come with the physical book. This is our 25th year offering books: from small paperbacks, to the fantastic productions that publishers will produce. Whether it's $5 or $1,000 book collector's like their books. I know I love mine. They're friends on my shelf that I may or may not read again, but I remember the story. I can revisit that author, that tale, anytime I want. And if it's signed? Well, then I feel a connection with the author just that much more.
We offer signed bookplates all the time, free! This is a nice incentive for you and you support a bookstore that has now been in business for twenty-five years. Thanks to you, and the author's that support us, we are able to continue on in good times and slow times. This newsletter offers several new collections, including free signed plates by award-winning authors Elizabeth Massie, Christopher Golden, and Mort Castle in their respective edition. It also gives you, the book collector, an affordable new book with a connection to these authors. I've always enjoyed offering our unique book plates and I hope you enjoy them as well.
FREE Horror anthology with each book you purchase from our flyer today. For each one you buy, you'll receive a different free book from our goodie grab bag. That's a lot of fiction at great prices.. PLUS you'll receive free book plates too.
Still like the fact that I can look at my favorite books on a shelf, in my library. Makes me smile every time. Keep reading my friends and we'll be here for ya.
Remember.. We All Shine On!
Dave Hinchberger
Owner, Overlook Connection Bookstore and Press
~~~~ 25 Years! 1987-2012 ~~~~

Edited by John Langan and Paul Tremblay.
Original and Rare Short Fiction in this New Volume!
== FREE BOOKPLATE Featuring author Christopher Golden with Each Copy!
(book plates are in limited quantity so order early )
== FREE HORROR ANTHOLOGY With This Purchase!
( anthology is from our grab bag of goodies! )
Featuring authors: Christopher Golden, Clive Barker, Sarah Langan, Joe R. Lansdale, Kelly Link, China Mieville, Cherie Priest, and More!
OVERVIEW: Monsters: As old as the oldest of stories, as new as our latest imaginings. From the ancient stone corridors of the labyrinth to the graffitied alleyways of the contemporary metropolis, they stalk the shadows. Leering from the darkness of the forest, jostling for space in our closets, they walk, crawl, creep and scuttle through our nightmares. Close as the clutter under the bed or the other side of the mirror, they are our truest companions. Creatures features the best monster fiction from the past thirty years, offering a wide variety of the best monster stories including original stories from the field''s most relevant names and hottest newcomers including Clive Barker, Sarah Langan, Joe R. Lansdale, Kelly Link, China Mieville, and Cherie Priest.
== $14.99 + shipping
2011 Prime Books trade paperback. 384 pages. New.

= FOREIGN SHIPPING - Please inquire about delivery rates for any items here and we will send you a PayPal invoice.
= Our order form accepts credit cards securely thru PayPal. You can also mail in your check or money order as noted on the site. Any questions, please let us know.
TRACKING YOUR OWN ORDERS: Only orders placed at the Overlook "web store" can be tracked. In our e-mail flyers you can place orders quickly by clicking the paypal link, but these orders are placed offline in our master system. We place all orders in our master system, which is offline.
TO TRACK orders and / or reserve books please place your order online. If you wish to reserve a title put "Please Reserve For Me" in the memo field when checking out and do not complete payment. We'll notify you when funds are due. I hope this helps. Any questions, please let us know.
Thank you and "We All Shine On!"
PO BOX 1934
Hiram GA 30141
PHONE: 678-567-9777
E-Mail: overlookcn@aol.com
Web: www.overlookconnection.com
This article was published on Friday 03 August, 2012. |
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