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1 of 200 Slipcased Sets.
A commitment was also made early to encourage gender balance in the anthology. After reading with shock how women writers are severely underrepresented in many genre anthologies the Editor asked, “Why are we cheating ourselves and our readers in this way? And how do we face our daughters if we perpetuate that unfairness?” Thirteen of the stories are written by women, and thirteen by men. It is with great satisfaction that PS Publishing now presents what may be the most involving and affecting storytelling yet to appear in the entire Gothic Quintet . . . CONTENTS - VOLUME 1
VOL 1 - COVER ART Marcela Bolivar VOL 2 - FRONT COVER ART Apolinar Chuca VOL 2 - BACK COVER ART Marcela Bolivar VOL 2 - INTERIOR ART (El Nahual) Berumen & Coyote
Release date may vary due to publishers schedule. 2013 PS Publishing, 2 hard covers in one slipcase.